Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Greatest Gift

As i lay down on the couch, i really did not know what to expect.
I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.
"Let it beat God..let it beat", i prayed
Then he started, the screen far from my view.
Can i see i asked?
"Sure" he said, "when i'm done looking for it"
I held my breath and waited then he said it...
"It's a boy!"
I turned my head to see the screen and there it was.
The smile came naturally, as did the sigh that came out almost loudly
I couldn't have asked for a greater gift this Christmas and birthday.
The joy of having a child grow inside me and depend on me for its life
Ten fingers...all intact, a four-chambered heart, valves beating in tandem
The the movements...it almost seemed like a dance.
I pinched myself and took a deep breath.
It's all real. It's happening to me!
My miracle the greatest gift i could ask for.
A year ago on Christmas day, i lost a precious little seed...
a year on, i have more than a seed and the kick i just felt is more than enough proof.
Thank you Jesus for this beautiful gift!!!
Forever grateful!

- Maamedee!!! (11/12/12)

Saturday 22 September 2012

Awesome friendships!..or NOT!

If you closed your eyes and had to count 10 friends who you knew will always have your back, regardless the circumstances, would you make up the number?

All my life i've had four bestfriends...yes, two from primary school, one form Junior high, and one from senior high school. My definition of a bestfriend: a person that is like a sister/brother from another mother (or even the same mother) who you can share your worries, joys, achievements, frustrations and special occassions with; one who won't judge you unnecessarily, except of course it is to put in on the right path (it's ok for my bestfriend to tell me if i'm heidously and inappropriately-dressed to an event, its ok for them to tell me if the comment i passed was not in good taste, infact its ok for them to tell me if they think my choice of relationships with the opposite sex is questionable.

I'm one who cherishes my friends, especially my bestfriends. I like to go all out for them and make it a point to keep in confidence whatever they ask me to, so it goes beyond heartbreak for me when those so-called bestfriends cannot reciprocate...hey i've only four...and 3 of them betrayed my friendship.  The one thing i cannot stand the most is my bestfriend becoming a gossip- the subject ME! 

Ok, so you're guessing what happened to my last bestfriend? Interestingly, we're STILL bestfriends, time and distance have kept us apart and not communicating much lately, however, but that's the beauty of our friendship..knowing secret's i shared a safe.  Ironically my only remaining bff ia a guy. yep, the other three who turned out to be fake were all girls. That got me wondering how much truth there is to the saying "Women are their own enemies?".

What do you look for in your bffs?


Thursday 30 August 2012

My new Business! Divine Sparkles Vogue!

I am super excited about starting my new business!

It's been on my mind for a while now and I believe the time has finally come.

It's daunting,you know, the thought of combining professional life with a small scale business which you hope to grow into a large competitive one, but i'm determined to give it my best shot (and i know the favor of God, plus kind words of recommendation from you my loyal readers and my satisfied clients should do the rest)

It's all in a name;

Divine Sparkles Vogue ??? So I run a small scale business while on campus in med school, selling toiletries, and everyday sanitary stuff .I had to  put that venture on hold a while to concentrate on my finals among other things.  Brainstorming for a name for my new business culdn't have been easier. The business then simply Divine Sparkles.

Divine Sparkles vogue is focusing on the complete woman, with an authentic contemporary african/multicultural look. We deal in Kente (yes the beautiful african print), glass bead jewellery among others. So if you want to stand out and look chick, pls look no further, email us at divinesparklesvogue@gmail.com, look us up on facebook or simply call +233 244757318 and we'll be glad to meet your needs!

Please savour samples of our stock below. Customised orders can be made and availability or otherwise of those orders made known to clients. Always remember to Stand out! Look chic! 



Be it your traditional marriage, wedding, sunday best...or simply for that great night out, you'll definitely stand out! look chic! ORDER NO: 02FOUR

Be it your traditional marriage, wedding, sunday best...or simply for that great night out, you'll definitely stand out! look chic! ORDER NO 02SIX

Be it your traditional marriage, wedding, sunday best...or simply for that great night out, you'll definitely stand out! look chic!


ORDER 003 - GHC 35.00
ORDER 001-  GHC 30.00  ORDER 005 - GHC 30.00 ORDER 009 - GHC 30.00

Update - The Wedding!

I know it's been a long time coming, but yes the wedding did come off and as i promised, i'm putting up a few pictures. It was a stressful weekend for all, but i believe I and W are loving the moon!

The engagement!




Cheers to the new couple. Wishing you a blissful and blessed marriage!

Monday 20 August 2012

...What to WeaR!!!

Hmmm....Two of my good friends are getting married...yeeei...in SIX days! That's exciting news right? Of course it is...well at least till you're in my shoes!

My friends have been childhood sweethearts (since sunday school times mehn), so this wedding is a big deal and means a lot to them. I'm part of their day...handling protocol among other things. I feel really honored but also feel pressured to look my very best!! Pressured not by my friends, (no they would never do that), but by my own self. It's like my small wedding gift to them (corny i know ;-). )

Turquoise green and white...that's the colour theme! I drove round all day today looking for a dress, a fascinator, anything worth wearing! It didnt help that it's a holiday today (yesterday was Eid Ul something..not sure which one...given that i worked a 12 hour shift, have NO idea what went down- all i heard and saw from the windows of my ward as i did rounds where people on motor bikes tooting horns loudly as is done if Ghana won a football match or if some political party won elections!)...drove round in vain, eventually came home with foodstuff rather than a dress and accessories!

Thinking of this dress in turquoise-green(love the fring/ruffle work going on there) plus gold/glassbead accessories! and yellow high-heeled pumps! Whachya think?  Too traffic-lightISH?

Thursday 16 August 2012

Is Jesus on FaceBook??

So a friend sent me mail just the other day. I thought it'd make interesting reading so i decided to share. We'll just call my friend "Oga" for today. Here goes:


Hi there,
I trust all is well with you.

I need your take on this very delicate matter (forgive my hype). I got an invitation to address a group of young Christians and the decided I should attempt an answer to these questions, "Would Jesus have been on facebook in his day and Is Jesus on facebook today? I would appreciate your perspectives on this matter as I organize my presentation.

All shades of opinions are very welcome.

Meanwhile, I've attached 3 audio downloads of Raavi Zacharias, an Christian apologetic whose ministry I've come to admire greatly.

Looking forward to your enlightened opinions.

Here's MY response:

Hi Oga,

Thanks for the audios. My thoughts on the questions u pose:

Would Jesus have been on facebook in His day?:

For starters, thank God I wasn't born 2012 years ago. I can only imagine life without lights, the world wide web, mobile phones, digital cameras, no fast-track ways of getting things done...primitive medicine, no antibiotics,no water-closets(did u ever wonder if Jesus ever used the "brodua?" lol after number 2?)...no i'd rather not imagine life without these.

On to the topic: I believe God in his omniscience chose the perfection of time within which to send the Messiah..and went on to reveal this ahead of time through prophesy.Even in those medieval times, where people had not seen the "light" and in retrospect can be said to be gullible, save their holding on strongly to traditions/doctrines(hasn't changed much has it) without understanding their basis, even in those times, there was opposition to news of the Messiah's birth and indeed His life and works. I can only imagine the kind of opposition news of the Messiah's coming would have been met with in this day of technological advancement. So thank God there was no facebook...it made it easier for people to sit at Jesus' feet and listen as He taught them...If there WAS a facebok though...i can only imagine how it'd be...of course the tax collectors wld have a group and send daily reminders to all to pay up..and oh the Sanhindrin may have been Administrators of the entire setup, forbiding the unclean access. Surely the lepers will never know what i'd mean o poke a friend, to like a comment. Indeed only the elite of the time may have had access to facebook.

Jesus, however, did say "I came to seek and to save the lost - Luke 19:10 He was fond of associating with the "ungodly", the unclean, the prostitutes, the lepers, even the greedy tax collectors. He came to SEEK first and then to save. If the only way Jesus may have sought the lost was to pursue them on facebook, i trust He would have stopped at nothing, for only by that would the first step to their salvation be made. If he only went to the dark alleys, the secluded places reserved for the lepers, the prostitues, the unclean, then He wouldnt have reached them would he?
Is Jesus on Facebok today?:
It's amazing how in my reading of the Gosple,(correct me if I'm wrong pls) I've not come across a single encounter of Jesus with the "lost" where He started by saying "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL, REPENT!". He always knew the people he SAUGHT. He met them at their points of weakness, His approach was mostly opposite what they expected. His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well - she left rejoicing, wanting all to know this man she had met; the prostitute about to be stoned -she must have felt true love for the first time; the 10 lepers - they were unworthy of being approached; Zacheus ..oh what awe he must have feel to hear a man that should be calling him CHEAT, SWINDLER, SCUMBUG..saying to him, "tonite i dine with you". I see Jesus on facebook today everytime I see ordinary christians offer an encouraging word to that unbeliever, trying to get the message of the gospel across by meeting REAL NEEDS, not just adding people to groups that only preach CONDEMNATION and repentance. The lost have no lever around which to revolve that message, especially where they have not had a personal encounter with the one preaching it. The ones Jesus touched and transformed most are the ones he had a personal encounter with. I see Jesus on facebook today when I put a smile on a hurting aquaintance's face. When my words bring love rather than hatred, calm where there is tension, peace where there is anxiety. Jesus is certainly on Facebook today, not merely through pictures of His image we share or conscience-freeing quotes we send to friends and tell them to pass it (or if we don't how it means we HATE Jesus- Jesus never blackmailed anyone, even today He allows us to make our choices- i don't get why ppl send such posts). Jesus is on facebok when we can engage in conversations that are far from boring, but interesting enough to make people want to know us better and the God we serve. The question we all need to ask urselves I believe is ...Is Jesus on facebook when I am on facebook? 2 Timothy 2:20-22...May we all be vessels of honuor...so help me God!

So now i pose my question to you my reader, Is Jesus on facebok today?

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Thin Rope!

I am exceptionally depressed today. When I most especially want to be happy, there seems to be so much going wrong. I've sat on tenterhooks for months unend, not knowing what the next moment brings. Indeed, it feels  I'm holding onto a thin rope, struggling to stay, not to lose grip, to stay focused when everyone else seems to be floating ,indeed to be flying.

Many sleepless nights, nights rife with tossing and turning, provoked by the thoughts running through my subconsciousness...I am afraid, I am hoping, wishing and praying. I want my dreams to come trueso bad. Insanity seems to beckon, almost within arms-reach, I can feel it's icy ambience- the claws of intant death. I refuse it with all my strength. Strength that seems to ebb each passing day. The rope seems to snap loose, a few cords ..a few cords at a time. Then it grows thinner...the burden not lighter yet. Heavier it grows by the minute.

I've had my fair share of good and bad.  It seems the bad abounds on.On and on to deepen my sorrow. "Wake up and smell the cofee!"- it reverberates in my ears, resonates with my marrow, to make me understand, and feel the meaning of "life is not fair".

I am surrounded by joy. laughter fills the air, but only I know pain, pain and more pain. Have i been robbed by my own actions? Have I a debt so huge to settle? Is this my sentence? This pain I feel?

Saturday 11 August 2012

A letter from a Girlfriend...to her husband-to-be

A letter from my heart...to my husband-to-be
I've been struggling debating whether or not to write this 'cuz i really dnt know how u'll take it. Lately, u seem to misinterpret my good intentions.

Its been nearly 2 years 7 months. Sometimes i'm happy, other times i'm upset. God's been good to us, seen us through the good and the bad. I try hard to be the best girlfriend. I cant help but feel that sometimes u think i'm petty, selfish. U tell me i have my rules...and they only apply to u.

We grew up differently i know, but we get into relationships to help each other become betta ppl...i have my faults..plently i know. Sometimes u make me feel horrible for trying to make u a beta man.

Last nite, as Deacon  "praised" us, i wondered to myself..."I know he tells me he loves me,...but does he really?" I dont really doubt that u do, but sometimes u do make me wonder. (and pls dnt make me feel guilty or regret writing this now cuz ...ii have tears streaming down as i write it, not that i want to...its uncomfortable to breathe). It's been on my heart a while and I can't let it keep staying there ,cuz it burdens me..(crying is just a way to relieve my stress).

We've both improved a bit since we've been dating. Sometimes, however, i look back to when you told amd asked me "I want you to be my best friend foreva, will u?", that 25th April 2008." I made one little request of you..."please lose the "pot belly"- and u promised to go jogging and do whatever...but then u asked what i'd do if it didnt go and i replied "i can't leave just bcuz it doesn't go".

Honestly,  I just feel "betrayed " in a way bcuz its almost like u dont care, you couldnt be bothered that it's important to me. 2 yrs 7 months, not too long i know, but i've been waiting for u to make an effort.

I thought u did try when u bought the bike...but its like a white elephant...You dont jog or show me ur making an effort as u promised me....and though i may not show it outwardly, ..that makes me hurt.

Everyone wants to be happy with the person they marry. Woman have different things that make them happy, and man probably same. i won't know wat u want if u decide to keep it to urself, but i try to tell u everything on my mind, so we can work out my happiness...i dnt know about u. U've neva complained of my physical appearance (and i dnt know whether or not u have concerns) but i prefer to tell u the things i'd like u to work on so they dnt burden my heart. I get sick (literally) when i keep things inside for long. And to know you'r not trying...it makes me sad.

Thank you for working hard to take care of me. Yes, i really appreciate u taking care of me,but there r things in life that are as important to me as our comfort. I want to see MY man physically and be be happy, be attracted to him (pls dont take this wrongly, throughout this note, i've tried really really hard to choose my words carefully so i dnt hurt or upset u,its the last thing i want).

 I feel you dnt care how i feel sometimes when u KEEP not trying or make excuses about being tired from work...same excuse for not making the effort to keep the room tidy and organised as u go along the day.

Please dont make me feel bad for writing this to my man, I'ts been hard to do cuz i dnt want to hurt ur emotions, but my heart.... U r a good man, and i'm blessed! But i want to be happier....i'm asking for the little things...the small small things that r easy to ignore.

 So i beg of u and ask u not to be hurt that i write this to u. I tried to choose my words carefully, but pls forgive me if i said something to bruise ur ego or "insulting". Thank you fro reading this. God bless u.

Have a blessed day.

Sunday 29 July 2012

WHY aRe MEN DIFFICULT sometimes?

Dear Reader,

I find myself wondering over and over again, why men are so different from women!

I wish i were talking merely about the cliches, you know the usual bickerings over the toilet seat-up or down, the tooth paste-squeezed from top or bottom, time spent in the shower, etc, etc... but boy there sire is more to it than meets the eye.

Really i don't get it... is there a thing about the male brain that processes information differently?

If anyone has a copy of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" kindly lend it to me...cuz i'm on a quest to get to the bottom of this.



Saturday 21 July 2012

At Last - The Celebration!

Been a long time coming!

Ok guys! Been a minute., but i'm back with some good news. Yes, the much awaited anniversary get-away finally happened. Yes it did...and i'm typing right now from my suite at the plush Movenpick ambassdor hotel(yes i'm on the presidential floor and what a treat i've had)!

If you've been following me , you prolly know what i'm talking about. I'll keep it short...and spare you most of the details...maybe i'l post a vlog later..for now...just feast your eyes on my teaser pictures! Enjoy!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Writer's Block...or Plain not-in-the-mood?

Ok guys, I know it's been a while but i've been totally not in the mood to update.
Funeral's done, leave is done...chest clinic done...back to the world...back to the ward..back to effing 12-hour duty shifts and back to reality!

I've had major mood swings the past couple of months ( reason's for which i hope to be able to share with you in the months to come.) I'll hint and say i have been broken-hearted.

It's 3am and i'm hungry now...so i'll go grab the left over of that papaye i have in the fridge and have a go. Will be back to run my mouth when i'm in brigther spirits! luv you!

Thursday 29 March 2012

A Sense of Belonging

I've been watching a few Ghana Tag videos on you tube...Made me think a bit about how I want to train my children, regardless which part of theis vast and beautiful world we end up living in. Ghana has many issues, ignorant people and weird cultures...but we also have some of the warmest and most hospital persons with a huge sense of humour!  I'm attaching a clip made by two light-skinned girls (mixed race) who make me proud to be Ghanaian. Enjoy!

Thursday 15 March 2012

twisted testicles...a bubble to my gloomy day!

other things amanzi: twisted testicles:(Made my day! couldn't help but share - a South African Surgeon's blog)

 testicular torsion, to put it mildly, is a terrible condition. the testis twists around on its axis, cutting off its own blood supply. over and above the excruciating pain, if it is not operated within about six hours of it happening, well then you can pretty much kiss that testis goodbye. and to make things worse, it strikes young boys who have just entered puberty while they are awkward and unsure of themselves. it is seldom that they ask for help until long after it is all to late. at least that makes the operation easy... you simply cut out the necrotic testis, easy as pie. but at the operation, it is always important to remember that if the one testis has twisted, the other one tends to follow suit in due course, so, while chopping out the twisted testis, it is absolutely imperative that you suture the other testis to the scrotum so that it can't twist. of course if you omit this step, in all probability, in a few years time, the poor awkward teen is going to loose his second testis and this is really going to mess with his mojo, pretty much for the rest of his life.

but testicular torsion is not something that i deal with all that much. you see the condition falls into the realm of the urologists and if these humble creatures are to be found in your local hospital, then torsions go their way. however, even mighty urologists need to take time off. then us humble general surgeons step up and cut out on their behalf. recently i was put in this position and handled a testis torsion. but it reminded me of another one i dealt with a few years ago.

the patient, an eighteen year old young man, turned up at casualties about 20 minutes after developing excruciating pain in his right testicle. on examination it was clearly a torsion. but what i noticed immediately was the missing left testicle. i asked him about it.

as it turns out the patient had had a similar problem with the left testicle about a year previously. then, as was typical of young men of his age, he had waited a full day before he worked up the courage to go to hospital to seek help. of course the left testicle was already necrotic and had to be removed. the urologist tending to him at the time had done the right thing to the right testicle and fixed it to the scrotum so that it would not twist like its troublesome left counterpart. but still here i was faced with a patient with only one testicle and that one was twisted and in real danger of moving on to the hereafter (testicle heaven). also the urologist had previously operated the patient and, despite that, his remaining jewel was in danger. now that all the urologists were gone or on leave or dead or whatever, what chance did that poor nut have in my mere general surgeon hands? yet i felt the necessary urgency of the moment. one testicle is bad enough, but none??? unthinkable!!! i booked him for theater and demanded immediate theater time (something somewhat more scarce and valuable than fine gold in south africa).

surprisingly, soon i found myself (and the endangered testis) in theater. i opened the scrotum. the testis was twisted as i knew it would be, but, luckily, it was still viable. what was interesting was that the stitch that the urologist had placed a year or so earlier was still there. the testis had managed to rotate around the axis created between the stitch and its blood supply. this was clearly a testis hell bent of causing havoc and depriving its owner of full manhood. i was not about to let it do that.

i twisted the testicle back to its natural position, but somehow i needed to keep it there. one standard stitch by a urologist clearly had not been sufficient. luckily i was not a urologist. i would not be shown up by some young, single, upstart testicle, especially when my patient's very manhood rested on my actions. i fixed it and i fixed it good.

i replaced the urological stitch, then i placed four more stitches at the four points of the compass. i felt pretty sure that nothing would convince that testis to twist again. yet i still wasn't willing to take the chance of this young lad having to face life without all the questionable advantages of testosterone, so i felt compelled to do more. i used my cautery to burn multiple small scars into the surface of the testicle so that once i closed it in the scrotum, each little scar would attach to the scrotum, fixing it absolutely and permanently so that there would be and could be no question of any further gyrating and twisting. that testicle would do nothing without the scrotum knowing about it. i felt good. i had done my (or rather the urologist's) job and i had done it well. i had made a difference to a small testicle and his boy.

the next monday when the urologists had come streaming back from their no doubt deserved respite, they were quite eager to hear if i had handled anything for them. when i relayed the story of the stubbornly rotating testicle to the very one who had placed the first stitch a year or two previously, to no avail, apparently, i was not impressed when he questioned if i had sufficiently fixed the testis in place.

"are you sure that testicle won't rotate again?" he asked.

"no, i am not!" i replied, "but i can assure you if it tries to rotate again, it's going to take the whole patient with it, so look out for a guy walking down the streets doing a pirouette every so often and you'll know that's the guy i operated!"

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Anniversary Blues!!!

Not in a writing mood today... So I'm posting my first voice blog.   Maybe when I'm back to happy me...I'll write my thoughts too. Ok..later.

Sunday 4 March 2012


So i was super excited about going on leave like 5days ago...last monday to be precise. I was really looking forward to my 18 working-days leave and then some(after four long months of non-stop 7days a week job) and i was looking forward even more to our 1 year wedding anniversary on March 19th. It seemed everything was going to plan until that faithful morning....Yes the morning of my last Emergency duty shift before leave started.

 Its about 5:10 am,Wednesday Feb 29th, and hubby gets a call. His kid sister is on the line...she's frantic about their dad not being well. He tries to calm her and picks up his car keys, informing me he's heading home to see his dad. I try to go back to sleep thinking..."i hope she's not exaggerating..it's a bit early for that", but i'm also thinking..."I hope He is well".

Approximately 5:15 am, my phone's ringing. Hubby "Babe, can u go with me, my dad is said to be unresponsive". I bolt out of bed immediately, thankful i went to bed in a maxi dress, my hair looks hideous as i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. For a moment, i'm confused, don't know where my slippers are at, where my stethoscope's at...I grab my white coat...pass my hand through my hair and dash downstairs.

The journey to get his dad was a formula 1 race experience for me...we eventually caught up with the car that had conveyed his dad to a private clinic ...as usual, there was no doctor on the premises. I did the best i could to stabilise my father-in-law, who at this point is deeply unconscious and having a mild seizure. Then it was another formula 1 experience back to Korlebu Teaching Hospital, amidst pouring rain..and traffic.We almost did a full spin once and nearly crashed into a wall.

Six-thirty am: We arrive at the emergency unit, where my shift will be starting at 8am that morning. The doctors on duty see him and we get a CT scan done. My father in law has a stroke which was secondary to a heart condition, atrial fibrillation to be exact. He had thrown a clot from the heart into the brainstem...the prognosis did not look good. It was really devastating watching my husband almost break down! We did our very best, but my father-in-law passed away 8:30pm, Thursday March 1st, 2012, leaving us all broken.

(Papa getting his drink on)

Its been a difficult 3 days since. Its been sad seeing my husband who looks so well composed and almost unshakeable break down every so often and cry when he talks about how his dad, despite his faults would chat with he and his 3 siblings, how he thought him some aspects of his trade as a dentist, how he insited on a simple and short funeral if and when he passed away, how he was proud that all his kids had graduated from university and were making him proud, how he's say "i don't want any tributes at my funeral...you guys are my tributes!"

These moments sadden me and make me want to cry too. I try to be strong for my hubby, so he'd be strong for his mum and siblings. These moments, however, make me realise what i'v been missing in my own home. While i wouldnt want to wash my dirty linen in public, it hurts me to know that my family unit is not half as happy as the Glover family was while Papa as they called him was alive; that my dad hardly talks and laugh with us,that my parents seem to be distant towards each other...that the few times we've sat together as a family over dinner, it felt really odd, almost uncomfortable...i could go on an on...but i won't. I am resolved to make my marriage work; to have a happy bubbly family no matter what it takes..to help my husband be the best husband and dad he can ever be...to put smiles on the faces of the children God blesses us with..and above all...to lead my family to Christ...and to stay in him.

For now, i take delights in these words: "Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Saturday 7 January 2012

Loving more than ONE person

So last night, hubby and I were talking about an interesting topic on the radio earlier in the morning:
Loving someone else when you're married to another.
It made good talk, and offered us an opportunity to evaluate our marriage- 9 blissful months of marriage!
Crux of the matter is he was surprised at how many persons sent text messages to the discussion saying they loved someone else as early as 3 months after being married to another"...and i went like "babe, are you trying to tell me you havnt had emotions for another or liked some other girl/woman out there in a more than friendly way since we got married?"..and of course his obvious answer was "hell no" lol...flattering...but i really wouldn't have been bothered if the answer had been "yes i have".

The way I see it, LOVING someone is a choice...its a decision to pick out of an array of persons you are attracted to, one to exclusively muse, admire, dream, and have restless nights about. Marrying someone for that matter involves taking a decision, to FORSAKE all others you admire/like/love to be with that one person you've chosen.
I guess different people marry for different reasons: for some its based on physical attraction..and the intent to bear genetically perfect children-kids without blemish!, for others its purely for financial safety, reassurance that all will be well, for others, out of pity....and yet others out of desperation...because guess what..." their biological clocks are ticking"(unfortunately us women are the majority in this category).  Why did I marry my husband? I guess i can share a secret or 2 here:
1: He's presentable. Yes in as much as I'll love to hang off the arms of a HUNK..my husband aint the finest man on the universe, but i sure don't feel like having the earth open up and swallow me up when i'm seen with him. (He's got flaws, some i nag about...and unfortunately may never change)
2. He's responsible: He takes care of his mess- i think i fall in that description. lol
3. He's patient: He'll never lift a finger at me...no matter how angry i make him.
4. He's liberal: Doesn't insist on us doing things his way always. (well, most of the time...there's that one issue we have to sort out)
5. He's a forward thinker: He thinks about our future and wants to make hay today to keep us comfortable. I appreciate that he learned from his fathers mistakes and would rather be buried alive than repeat them.
6.He loves me: In all the ways imaginable.

So why would anyone marry someone..and start looking elsewhere as early as 3 months into marriage? I'd like to know your opinions on here...then I'll share what we discussed and what most people think.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

2011 in Retrospect!

Yeiiii! So we made it through 2011..
By The Almighty's Grace!

So many things I am grateful for:

1.Graduating med school (the 7.5 longest years of my life): I am sooo grateful for the friends I made in med school. Lost some along the way...but all in all a few stuck..some broke my heart..but they all made a better me.
2.Getting married to great man:  My husband...he can be really sweet...and annoying too. I dont know how he does it! God help him! lol
3. Seven Successful months of Housemanship:  Yep, comes after becoming doctor. After beaming in smiles in the red and black kente-clad robe...and strutting my behind up that dais to say "yay! i made it"...then comes the hard work! The trials and tribulations of the ER...hard-to please patients, difficult colleagues...hey I'm still surviving!
4. Struggling Family: My family (not my new by marriage family) had some great challenges 2011...i still wish it's just been a dream...but I thank God for strength to survive. I 'm grateful for the life of each individual-dad, mum, Donald and Ivan. Gracias!
5.His Unending Prescence: I must admit, my quiet time in 2011 sucked! I am so not proud of it, but i loved that i could touch base with God at all times..especially at my lowest.

Well 2012 is here already and it's breezing by so fast already!
Cheers to the surprises of 2012!!!

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