Friday 10 June 2011

Sacrifice? At the expense of MY life?

It's really funny how some people think that once you're a doctor, you need to start running once you get call of a patient coming in...say for instance with urine retention as i handled today.
Every one thinks you're wicked or don't have a conscience if you are not seen to be running (no, literally, panting for breath) to the rescue of the patient.
Little thought goes to what a long day you've had,
Whether you'd had breakfast or lunch,
or if you're a bit under the weather.
No, people don't actually expect doctors to fall ill...
why it's almost like taboo!
No one cares about the stresses you have outside your work environment,
not  to speak of those work generated ones..
faulty equipment,
inadequate personnel
lack of up-to-date-know-how,
crowded and smelly emergency rooms,
inadequate logistics...
and worse still, the absurd patient:doctor ratio!
Yes that ratio...that which makes patients at the Out Patients Department cuss and rant,
thinking the doctor just likes to be slow...
"why's he spending so much time with that one patient?" they ask
Yet when it's their time with the doctor, they expect special treatment,
"a minute more would not hurt." they murmur.
Is it really worth the sacrifice? i keep asking.
Well if it brings fulfilment to one...i guess it is.
But that does not undermine the fact that rights and privileges go with responsibilities.
Patients are responsible to ensure that they hold their personal health in high esteem,
They are responsible to ensure they keep appointments and not present when they're at their wit ends...
expecting the doctor to be at their beck and call.
Doctors are human too, a kind word of concern, motivation or gratitude go a long way!
Human Life Is Precious!
Let's make the sacrifice worth it!

Saturday 4 June 2011

Last days at ENT

So i'm doing the last weekend of my Ear, Nose and Throat rotation, and I'm on duty the entire weekend. Bittersweet! It's ironic how I thought t'was meant to be a boring 4 and a half weeks but turns out I made good friends and learnt new things i'll miss.

There was never too little action;
Calls at night to see emegencies, 
endless hours in theatre,
annoying lines that won't set,
obstructed airways setting us on edge,
and ultimately...
the notorious ones who always pass their cases onto others...
lol....the "school-feeding-program", how could i forget!

The department had a great ambience; 
the smiles that great you at every bend, 
the willing hands offering to help when need be;
the nurses who lacked complexes (or at least they didn't let them show)
the ever-grateful patients and their families....
I could go on and on.

Scriller, Adwoa, Lovelace; the 3 nurses i'll miss the most...
(Oh, Scriller, how can i forget the famous motor bike and kenkey story?)
Drs Searyoh and's been amazing working with you guys.
I'll always have great memories of the jokes, teasing and laughter sessions.

To the consultant's Drs Kitcher, Jangu, Sackey, Aryee, Yeboah, Baidoo, Danso-Adams...
Thanks for imparting knowledge. The tutorial sessions were useful...
Loved the opportunity to get to know you.

I'm really looking forward to our outing tonite...
I bet it'll be great.
Will definitely be passing by to relive these moments.
And now on to G.U....Dr. i come!

Thursday 2 June 2011

So so days!

It's funny how i went to bed late and in high spirits knowing i had to be up early for surgery morning meeting, only to be awoken by the chimings of what seemed like my alarm(which i kept turning off) and to the voice of my senior resident (obviously it had been the phone ringin) summoning me to answer to why i had prescribed antibiotics for a patient who apparently did not need them...or did she? THE TIME: 6:20 AM. How embarassing!
LESSON LEARNT: If you dont get something, never be too embarrasd to ask.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

New Beginnings!

Hi guys, so I've been thinking of blogging for a long time now.
Only today, i finally took some inspiration from a buddy and got down to it.

Funny, i used to think if i started blogging, then i'd have to do it every day,
i mean, i'm not a prolific writer or anything that compares,
but i have all these thoughts
that i feel may be weird to others, quite peculiar to me, some not so..and to think i'd be saddled with the daunting task of having to write on a regular basis....pouring it all out for them that care to read...well that quite scared me.

But hey, we finally jumped that hurdle...
ready, set....go...
and we're off on a long run.
I hope you enjoy the journey
As you care to share in my laughter, my cries, my worries and anxieties,
 my faith, trials and triumphs.
Welcome to my world!
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