Wednesday 1 June 2011

New Beginnings!

Hi guys, so I've been thinking of blogging for a long time now.
Only today, i finally took some inspiration from a buddy and got down to it.

Funny, i used to think if i started blogging, then i'd have to do it every day,
i mean, i'm not a prolific writer or anything that compares,
but i have all these thoughts
that i feel may be weird to others, quite peculiar to me, some not so..and to think i'd be saddled with the daunting task of having to write on a regular basis....pouring it all out for them that care to read...well that quite scared me.

But hey, we finally jumped that hurdle...
ready, set....go...
and we're off on a long run.
I hope you enjoy the journey
As you care to share in my laughter, my cries, my worries and anxieties,
 my faith, trials and triumphs.
Welcome to my world!


  1. hi=ey Dave, do u blog? nice to see u on here tho.

  2. Not a bad idea. They just don't make us write enough as students in Ghana, so I realize we're very deficient in that department. I had to struggle with that when I came to grad school, but some of the writing-intensive classes I took really helped. Blogging is also a very good way to become better at writing.
    I had (mandated) to blog last summer for my internship funding. You can take a look here:

  3. Hi Freda. It's Susie. Susie Yanney. I like your blog's background design. I am going to change my design too. I don't think it's about us not writing a lot in Ghana as students. It depends on your interests i believe, and what your parents' interests are. If they are too busy thinking about where the next meal is coming from, writing is not going to be on their minds. And if you love to read, writing is not that hard at all. I used to write a lot. But as i grew older(after getting through high school and Uni) i did not have so much time on my hands anymore. I am also in grad school now,and apart from finishing my assignments, i still don't have a lot to time on my hands. I started blogging last summer during the break; I haven't written much but now and again, i do go there to spout off.

  4. lol, John and Sussie, nice to hear from u guys. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think you both have a point there. Personally i love writing...and i 'm hoping this is a platform to release the stress(mine and my readers'). Let's see what the months and years bring along.


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