Thursday 16 August 2012

Is Jesus on FaceBook??

So a friend sent me mail just the other day. I thought it'd make interesting reading so i decided to share. We'll just call my friend "Oga" for today. Here goes:


Hi there,
I trust all is well with you.

I need your take on this very delicate matter (forgive my hype). I got an invitation to address a group of young Christians and the decided I should attempt an answer to these questions, "Would Jesus have been on facebook in his day and Is Jesus on facebook today? I would appreciate your perspectives on this matter as I organize my presentation.

All shades of opinions are very welcome.

Meanwhile, I've attached 3 audio downloads of Raavi Zacharias, an Christian apologetic whose ministry I've come to admire greatly.

Looking forward to your enlightened opinions.

Here's MY response:

Hi Oga,

Thanks for the audios. My thoughts on the questions u pose:

Would Jesus have been on facebook in His day?:

For starters, thank God I wasn't born 2012 years ago. I can only imagine life without lights, the world wide web, mobile phones, digital cameras, no fast-track ways of getting things done...primitive medicine, no antibiotics,no water-closets(did u ever wonder if Jesus ever used the "brodua?" lol after number 2?) i'd rather not imagine life without these.

On to the topic: I believe God in his omniscience chose the perfection of time within which to send the Messiah..and went on to reveal this ahead of time through prophesy.Even in those medieval times, where people had not seen the "light" and in retrospect can be said to be gullible, save their holding on strongly to traditions/doctrines(hasn't changed much has it) without understanding their basis, even in those times, there was opposition to news of the Messiah's birth and indeed His life and works. I can only imagine the kind of opposition news of the Messiah's coming would have been met with in this day of technological advancement. So thank God there was no made it easier for people to sit at Jesus' feet and listen as He taught them...If there WAS a facebok though...i can only imagine how it'd be...of course the tax collectors wld have a group and send daily reminders to all to pay up..and oh the Sanhindrin may have been Administrators of the entire setup, forbiding the unclean access. Surely the lepers will never know what i'd mean o poke a friend, to like a comment. Indeed only the elite of the time may have had access to facebook.

Jesus, however, did say "I came to seek and to save the lost - Luke 19:10 He was fond of associating with the "ungodly", the unclean, the prostitutes, the lepers, even the greedy tax collectors. He came to SEEK first and then to save. If the only way Jesus may have sought the lost was to pursue them on facebook, i trust He would have stopped at nothing, for only by that would the first step to their salvation be made. If he only went to the dark alleys, the secluded places reserved for the lepers, the prostitues, the unclean, then He wouldnt have reached them would he?
Is Jesus on Facebok today?:
It's amazing how in my reading of the Gosple,(correct me if I'm wrong pls) I've not come across a single encounter of Jesus with the "lost" where He started by saying "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL, REPENT!". He always knew the people he SAUGHT. He met them at their points of weakness, His approach was mostly opposite what they expected. His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well - she left rejoicing, wanting all to know this man she had met; the prostitute about to be stoned -she must have felt true love for the first time; the 10 lepers - they were unworthy of being approached; Zacheus ..oh what awe he must have feel to hear a man that should be calling him CHEAT, SWINDLER, SCUMBUG..saying to him, "tonite i dine with you". I see Jesus on facebook today everytime I see ordinary christians offer an encouraging word to that unbeliever, trying to get the message of the gospel across by meeting REAL NEEDS, not just adding people to groups that only preach CONDEMNATION and repentance. The lost have no lever around which to revolve that message, especially where they have not had a personal encounter with the one preaching it. The ones Jesus touched and transformed most are the ones he had a personal encounter with. I see Jesus on facebook today when I put a smile on a hurting aquaintance's face. When my words bring love rather than hatred, calm where there is tension, peace where there is anxiety. Jesus is certainly on Facebook today, not merely through pictures of His image we share or conscience-freeing quotes we send to friends and tell them to pass it (or if we don't how it means we HATE Jesus- Jesus never blackmailed anyone, even today He allows us to make our choices- i don't get why ppl send such posts). Jesus is on facebok when we can engage in conversations that are far from boring, but interesting enough to make people want to know us better and the God we serve. The question we all need to ask urselves I believe is ...Is Jesus on facebook when I am on facebook? 2 Timothy 2:20-22...May we all be vessels of help me God!

So now i pose my question to you my reader, Is Jesus on facebok today?

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