Monday 10 October 2011

My snoring half.

❤ ❤ ❤................ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yep, weird subject...but we are soooooo going there.

I always knew my boyfriend (now my husband) snored....
I just didnt know he snored THIS much....

Why, i didn't even know he snored THIS much during our honeymoon...and no i don't think i was so fatigued to have slept like a bear and not notice.

5 months into our marriage and my husband starts making these outrageously loud noises about 20cm from my ears each aching minute i am aware that i'v drifted out of sleep again...which will be about the 20th time!(by the time i decide i'm fed up that is).The annoying thing is, he seems to stop this "tic" after a nudge or two..only to resume much louder than before!

Speak of endurance...those were some 2 weeks of  mega stress...going to bed stressed from work..and getting stressed on waking because my sleepless nights were nothing to write home about.

For the first time in my life..i began to wonder..."I am going to live like this the rest of our marriage?...for God sake..I'll turn into a freaking Zombie!" I started to wonder how many women( or men for that matter) actually deal with this(I pause here with a smile on my face as i remember Evan from Royal Pains complain to his Medical doctor brother, Hank, about how terribly his girlfriend snores, lol).

The word "frustrating" in this case is an understatement... For that period in time, our relationship went through turmoil...most of the time i was angry..not particularly at anything...but subconsciously at him...the annoying thing is...he REFUSED to believe he snored!!! Imagine that.

When it came to crunch...i had to find a way out. Thank God for a handy camcorder...a 5 minute video of my sleeping better-half was all the proof i needed! Now he knew he snored! he felt bad about it..and started sleeping on the couch (yeah right! as if that would solve the problem...cuz the couch was right next to the bed...hahaaa).

I finally put my thinking cup on...had to find a solution..or face becoming a nagging zombie. Oh you won't believe the CONTRAPTIONS i found online to deal with snoring! The lengths to which people go! Not for me, thank you! Then i realised although my husband snored the first 5 months of our "happily-ever-after", it was bearable..almost there had to be a reason..."was he extra-stressed-out lately?", could it be the new bed...considering we'd moved rooms...or was it part of him growing up...the answer was more simple than all those....PILLOWS!!! My babe was not sleeping on his pillows (having still unpacked them since packing out). He always seemed to sleep fine without them and not complain. So to the pillows i went for rescue...and its been a sweet-serenading snore since!!!! Long live pillows!


  1. Hahahah pillows!? Really? That simple eh? Too funny :)

  2. Yes dear, Pillows...pretty simple indeed. 2 pillows always do the trick!


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